Announcing Torus Labs Collaboration with Binance Labs

Building the Blockchain Developer Ecosystem with Binance Labs
Announcing Torus Labs Collaboration with Binance Labs

Torus Labs is thrilled to announce our collaboration with Binance Labs in two upcoming hackathons. As one of our strong supporters since their incubation program, Binance shares similar goals of building up the blockchain ecosystem and has been providing the community with developer tools and opportunities in support of establishing the ecosystem. Collaborating with Binance Labs comes as a natural fit for us as we continue to build up intuitive user onboarding tools for DApps.

Game Oasis Hackathon

Our first collaborative effort with Binance Labs, Torus is proud to be one of the sponsors for Game Oasis Hackathon. Tailored for game developers, the hackathon runs in 3 rounds with a preliminary online hackathon segment followed by 4 in-person hackathons across Shanghai, Seoul, San Fransisco and Bengaluru.

Round 1: Ready Player

Registrations have been opened since 2nd August 2019, participants are required to register with their teams at and join the Hackathon’s Official Telegram Channel.

Round 2: Multiverse

In this online hackathon round, teams are required to build a reaction-type or rule-based HTML-5 game, which may not necessarily be built using blockchain technology. Teams can either build a new game from scratch or submit a game that they have previously built. They are required to upload the game videos onto YouTube and include the link to the game’s Github repository.

Teams have until 2nd September 2019 to submit their games, after which the winners who are eligible to move on to Round 3 would be announced on 9th September 2019.

Round 3: Oasis Arena

Teams who qualified for Round 3 will participate in 48-hour in-person hackathons in one of the following selected cities: Shanghai, Seoul, San Fransisco and Bengaluru. Mentors will be on-site to guide teams in integrating the necessary blockchain technologies to their builds.

Teams can expect to get in touch with one of the largest gaming developer community of over 1.3 million developers including the teams behind Angry Birds, Badlands and Clash of Kings. Teams may also have the opportunity to pitch to Binance Labs discuss a possible investment from the incubator.

Game Oasis Hackathon is set to be a premier hackathon for blockchain games and we’re excited to see the possible integrations and builds that the participants will come up with.

Torus4Everyone 2019

Torus4Everyone is our very own online hackathon open to all developers. Participants can either build a new DApp from scratch or submit a DApp that they’ve previously built, with the main requirement being that they need to integrate Torus as part of their login and user onboarding process.

Leonard Tan, Co-Founder, Torus, introduces Torus4Everyone 2019

The online hackathon runs from 1st to 30th September 2019 where participants can win up to US$10,000 worth of prizes.

In our second collaborative effort with Binance Labs, Christy Choi sits as one of our judges for the upcoming hackathon. As the Director of Binance Labs, Christy brings her wealth of experience from conducting due diligence on countless investment opportunities.

Torus4Everyone has brought in several other thought leaders to sit alongside Christy to judge for this online hackathon. We are exhilarated to see what DApp developers are able to come up with at this hackathon and push the decentralised ecosystem forward.

Register for Torus4Everyone 2019 now at