Sign-in with Solana — Use Your Solana Account for Web2 & Web3

Users will now be able to control their digital identity with their Solana accounts instead of relying on traditional/custodial profiles.
Sign-in with Solana — Use Your Solana Account for Web2 & Web3

The Importance of Building a Self-Custodial Future

In crypto, there is a saying that goes ”Not your keys, not your crypto’’ exemplifying the importance of non-custodiality — the need to shift the dynamic of ownership from entities to the end-user. The principle also extends beyond just the crypto you hold to your very identity itself. While traditional Web2 entities have done a tremendous job in making the user experience incredibly intuitive but that has also come at a cost — the cost of privacy and centralization.

There is excessive monetization of the users’ activity and their residing information on the web. Security compromises even among the biggest names in cybersecurity are increasingly common. As the average user is becoming more and more aware of these tradeoffs, the voice to safeguard their identity is growing louder by the day. We at Web3Auth firmly believe that self-custodiality is the future and we want to lead the way in making it happen. Do check our recent announcement about the Auth Network for our roadmap towards this.

With Solana — You Own Your Identity

Web3 has to a large extent cracked the code for the user privacy problem. The power of public and private keys, enabled by crypto technologies, allows users to own their username, and profile data, and use their accounts across different applications. This is the fundamental on which Web3Auth was built — to leverage the power of threshold cryptography to shift the dynamic of power from entities to individuals.

What does Sign-in With Solana Solve?

For the User: Sign-in with Solana allows any Web2 application to authenticate users with their Web3 identities thereby bringing the security and privacy of Web3 authentication to Web2.

Today, there are multiple blockchain platforms and thus naturally, there arises a need to have a standard specification for authentication with Web3 identities. This led to the birth of CAIP-74 which allows for creating a chain-agnostic Object Capability (CACAO), based on a signing message as an IPLD object. Sign-in with Solana endeavors to maintain compatibility with CAIP-74, thereby adhering to a chain agnostic standard.

For the Developer: Do check our documentation for a step by step guide on how to build a Sign-in with Solana flow and how to navigate the authentication logic. You can find a clear end-to-end flow in our docs here. Moreover, Web3Auth offers a dedicated suite of authentication tools for all Solana Developers. This includes support for OAuth and native biometric login using our plug and play SDK and also the state of the art Torus Solana Wallet which has a range of exclusive features.

Coming Soon…

We are pleased to see how rapidly the entire Web3 ecosystem is developing with the launch of new protocols and dApps every day. We will continue to lead the way in servicing authentication needs for the ecosystem whilst upholding the self-custodial principles of blockchain technology.