Torus and Biconomy — for an even more seamless UX

Building seamless User onboarding from their first transaction.
Torus and Biconomy — for an even more seamless UX

Building seamless User onboarding from their first transaction.

Whilst Torus handles key management, there are more UX hurdles that the crypto ecosystem has to overcome. One of them being transaction costs, mainstream users aren’t used to having to pay for interactions with applications.

This is where gasless transactions come in. Torus met Biconomy earlier this year at ETH India 2019, where they show us their promising implementation of gasless/meta transactions.

Meta Transactions by Biconomy

Meta transactions allow other entities to pay for transaction fees on behalf of users. Which thus also allows DApp developers to absorb gas costs on behalf of their users.

When integrated with Torus and Biconomy, DApps are able to offer a completely seamless user onboarding experience that they are familiar with: new users can log into DApps with their social authenticators like Google, Facebook, Github, and then conduct transactions on the blockchain without paying gas/transaction fees.

This is especially useful for new users who do not previously have ETH in their newly generated wallets to pay for the fees, thus allowing them to dive right into interacting with the DApp. This lowers the barriers to entry and eases mainstream audiences towards a gentler learning curve to when using DApps for the first time.

Biconomy’s Mexa SDK

Mexa is Biconomy’s simple-to-implement SDK that allows DApp developers to integrate meta transactions to their existing applications without making any changes to their smart contract code. The SDK comes shipped with a dashboard that manages the DApp’s Mexa integrations. Developers can apply meta transaction limits on an API or user-group level, and create APIs for their smart contract methods.

The synergy of tools provided by Torus and Biconomy allow developers within the ecosystem to focus on building great DApps with tangible utility for users without having to worry about complex onboarding processes. Together, we hope to see more user-centric DApps built with growing user-bases.

Check out Biconomy’s demo live at

An in-depth introduction to Biconomy can be read at their blog and website.

Torus4Everyone 2019

Torus4Everyone is our very own online hackathon open to all developers. Participants can either build a new Ethereum DApp from scratch or submit a DApp that they’ve previously built, with the main requirement being that they need to integrate Torus as part of their login and user onboarding process.

Aniket Jindal, Co-Founder of Biconomy, sits as one of our judges for our online hackathon. He would be bringing his insights and experience to help us determine the contenders for our US$10,000 hackathon prize pool.

Apart from Aniket, Torus4Everyone has brought in several other thought leaders to sit alongside him to judge for this online hackathon. We are exhilarated to see the amazing projects that DApp developers will build at this hackathon and hopefully contribute towards the decentralised ecosystem forward.

Leonard Tan, Co-Founder, Torus, introduces Torus4Everyone 2019

Submissions for this hackathon are open from now till the 30th of September 2019. Register for Torus4Everyone 2019 now at