Epicenter Podcast: The Decentralized Key Management and Login System for Web3

Leonard and Zhen sat down with Sébastien Couture from Epicenter to talk about the origins of Torus Labs, discuss the products we recently…
Epicenter Podcast: The Decentralized Key Management and Login System for Web3

Leonard and Zhen sat down with Sébastien Couture from Epicenter to talk about the origins of Torus Labs, the products we recently released, and our aims for the future.

Listen at https://epicenter.tv/episodes/b003

Topics discussed in the episode

  • Zhen and Leonard’s backgrounds and how they got into crypto
  • How and why Torus was formed
  • The path Torus has followed over the past year
  • Unwrapping the base layer, the Torus Network
  • How Shamir’s Secret Sharing works and why Torus chose to build on it
  • The Torus Wallet and a step by step of how it works
  • Torus and account portability
  • Use cases and applications built on Torus
  • The second layer of security, tKey
  • Their plans for introducing Touch ID
  • How Torus educate their users on how to stay secure
  • The long term goal for Torus and how users are protected in the future

In the ever-evolving landscape of Web3, access to decentralized applications (dApps) and managing crypto assets remains a significant barrier for many. Enter Torus – an open-source, universal key management system designed to simplify and secure the user experience in the Web3 ecosystem. In this exclusive interview, we sat down with Torus founders Yong Zhen Yu and Leonard Tan to uncover the story behind Torus, its groundbreaking technology, and the vision driving its future.

Journey into Crypto: Zhen and Leonard's Story

Both Zhen and Leonard's journey into the world of crypto began with a shared curiosity and passion for innovation. With backgrounds in computer science and a keen interest in blockchain technology, they were drawn to the promise of decentralization and financial sovereignty that crypto offered. This initial spark led them on a path of exploration, ultimately culminating in the creation of Torus.

The Birth of Torus: Simplifying Crypto Access

Torus emerged from a fundamental need – to streamline crypto access without compromising security. Recognizing the complexity and barriers hindering mainstream adoption, Zhen and Leonard set out to develop a solution that would democratize access to decentralized technologies. Built on a Distributed Key Generation protocol rooted in Shamir's Secret Sharing, Torus offers a simple, secure, and non-custodial key management system for all.

Empowering Decentralized Applications: The Torus Effect

With over a hundred thousand authentications a month on leading platforms such as AAVE, KyberSwap, and Augur, Torus is driving the widespread adoption of dApps. By providing seamless user onboarding flows and ensuring recoverability and high standards of security, Torus is empowering developers and users alike to embrace the potential of decentralized applications.

Unveiling the Torus Network: A Deep Dive

At the core of Torus lies its revolutionary infrastructure – the Torus Network. This base layer leverages advanced cryptography and distributed architecture to provide users with secure, decentralized access to their digital assets. Through Shamir's Secret Sharing, Torus ensures that users' private keys remain protected and recoverable, laying the foundation for a robust and resilient ecosystem.

The Torus Wallet: Simplifying Authentication

The Torus Wallet serves as the second layer to the system, offering one-click login and authentication on popular platforms such as Gmail and Facebook, as well as passwordless logins on Web3 applications. Behind the scenes, a clever distributed architecture reinforces security, allowing users to send crypto to social accounts seamlessly.

Enhancing Security with tKey and Beyond

In addition to its core offerings, Torus recently introduced tKey – a custom version of two-factor authentication (2FA) designed to further enhance user security. With plans to introduce Touch ID in the future, Torus is committed to providing users with innovative solutions that prioritize both usability and security.

Educating Users: A Cornerstone of Torus's Mission

Central to Torus's mission is the commitment to educate users on best security practices. Through comprehensive resources, tutorials, and community initiatives, Torus empowers users to stay vigilant against emerging threats and safeguard their digital assets effectively.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Torus

As Torus continues to pave the way for mainstream adoption of Web3 technologies, its long-term goal remains clear – to build a future where decentralized technologies are seamlessly integrated into everyday life. With a relentless focus on innovation and user-centric principles, Torus ensures that users are protected and empowered in an increasingly digital world.

In conclusion, Torus represents more than just a key management system – it's a catalyst for change in the world of crypto, bridging the gap between complexity and accessibility. As we embark on this journey into the decentralized future, Torus stands as a beacon of innovation, driving us toward a more inclusive and secure digital landscape.