How Kukai Reached a Million User Logins with Web3Auth SDK

Kukai: A go-to wallet for leading NFT projects on Tezos
How Kukai Reached a Million User Logins with Web3Auth SDK

About Kukai

Kukai is the longest-running web-based Tezos wallet. It allows you to manage your tokens, NFTs and digital assets in a single easy-to-use and secure platform. As a Tezos wallet, Kukai includes the ability to store, transfer and delegate your Tezos (XTZ) tokens, so you can easily receive XTZ rewards through staking. Kukai supports the fast-growing Tezos ecosystem with features like an NFT gallery, DeFi token support and more. Kukai has been pivotal to the success of Ubisoft, HicEtNunc, OneOf, and other notable NFT launches.

The Origin

The origin of Kukai goes back to 2018 when it was started as an open-source community project. The team spent the initial days figuring out the technical aspects and focused on security. Once the tech was sorted and the wallet started gaining traction — the team realized how the onboarding experience was integral to achieving their goals of acquiring millions of mainstream users.

That’s when Web3Auth came into the picture.

Deciding on Web3Auth

Kukai discovered Web3Auth at the perfect time when they decided to redesign the wallet user experience to drive user adoption. The ease of onboarding provided by Web3Auth’s social logins and key management solution made a lot of sense. The primary reasons they chose to integrate Web3Auth SDK were:

  • The Decentralised Non-custodial nature of the private key handling
  • The Social logins to onboard blockchain non-native users
  • The Web3Auth’s Lookup feature to send crypto/NFTs to socials directly
  • The single-click setup, the documentation, and the dev support throughout

The Kukai team was evaluating other solutions as well but did not proceed with them because of their inflexibility, low maturity, and centralized method of managing keys.

“We have been so happy with Web3Auth, and whenever we do our regular reviews of other solutions we continue to be convinced we made the right choice for Kukai users”
— Klas Harrysson, Co-Founder, Kukai

Winning the NFT space with Web3Auth

Kukai took less than two weeks to integrate Web3Auth SDK. The detailed documentation and the code examples made the integration process straightforward and easy to complete. With Web3Auth developer support readily available, our engineers worked closely with the Kukai team to build the final product within a short developmental time frame.

It’s been one year since Kukai launched with Web3Auth handling their authentication and key management, and the SDK has processed more than a million social logins thus far.

“We never faced any roadblocks during integration because the Web3Auth team was always available at every step”
— Klas Harrysson, Co-Founder, Kukai

Kukai has onboarded hundreds of thousands of non-native crypto users with ease and they devote the success to the Web3Auth SDK which has made their app’s onboarding look like any other web2 app’s. The Tezos community loves Kukai and Web3Auth is excited to support the Tezos ecosystem in their Kukai 2.0 and the upcoming mobile wallet where they expect to multiply their user-base threefold.