We have just released the latest version of Torus, v0.2.12!
Developers who have previously integrated Torus with their DApp should update to the latest version of Torus for optimal stability and compatibility.
Previous versions of Torus will be deprecated in our next update and will no longer be supported in the following update. Updating to the latest version of Torus would only be required for this iteration as future versions from this build onwards will support backward compatibility.
Updating to the Latest Version of Torus
Developers can easily update to the latest version of Torus via our NPM package.

For developers integrating Torus through our script tag, they can do so with the following script tag:
Our Latest Features
Optimising stability and maximising compatibility was our main goal for this update. Our developers have endeavoured to bring the best experience to our users. Alongside several visual improvements to our user interface, we have introduced 3 new features to our Torus Wallet:
PopUp Unblock
With our latest version, popups initiated from Torus will no longer be blocked by default. In the event when transaction popups are blocked, a modal would appear that calls for the user’s confirmation to proceed with the transaction. This quality of life improvement is targeted at browsers that natively block pop-ups to save the user’s time from having to change their configurations to use Torus.

Support for ENS Domains
The latest version of Torus also comes with native support for ENS Domains. Users can now use the Torus wallet to send tokens to ENS Domains, ETH Addresses, Google Account emails, Reddit usernames and Discord IDs.
The immediate languages we sought to support were for our clients and partners integrating Torus.

The current languages supported on Torus are English, German, Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin. Users are able to change their preferred language in from the settings menu.
For developers looking to include more languages for their userbase, they can make requests through our Developer Support Telegram Group.
Torus Wallet QA Checklist
Prior to every new release of Torus, our team conducts a thorough quality check of all the functionalities within Torus to ensure the best user experience for everyone.
Developers and users using Torus are welcomed to submit uncaught bugs to our Developer Support Telegram Group for immediate attention and remedy.

Join our Developer Telegram Group

If you have read through this entire article, you would have caught wind of our Developer Telegram Group. We have just launched this telegram group to keep developers up to date with key features and functionalities, as well as to provide engineering support for developers integrating Torus.
Here developers are able to submit uncaught bugs and make developmental requests from our team.
The group follows a strict no-spam policy, and we promise not to flood the group chat with unnecessary clutter. Join our Developer Group for updates and serious discussions on the best practices in integrating Torus!